How do I use Lyra with Windows Media Player?

In order to use Lyra with Windows Media Player and other Windows sound apps, you must install drivers version 1.03 or higher.

Please also ensure that you have firmware 1.03 or later installed.

How do I set the buffer sizes?

Starting with driver version 1.05, there are two settings for the buffers. These relate to Windows operation only; you don’t need to set buffers on a Mac as it’s handled automatically. The “base” setting is for the USB connection and relates to both WDM and ASIO operation. The ASIO buffer settings have no effect on the WDM drivers. The default settings are designed to be safe with any modern PC and will only need adjusting if you want to reduce the latency in the system or if you are experiencing glitches. In either case, please see the technical note on buffer settings in Windows USB drivers for a more detailed discussion.

Can I connect multiple boxes to my Mac?


You will need to create an aggregate device

For best results, ensure that you set one box as the clock master and the others as slaves. On the USB Audio control app, ensure that the Slave boxes are sync’d to the master with a WCK or DI connection.

If you do this, you should uncheck the ‘Drift Correction’ box.

Multiple Titan and Atlas units can also be connected to a Pro Tools | HDX card, Pro Tools | HD Native PCIe card or Pro Tools | HD Native Thunderbolt unit, and they will to operate in sample sync in Pro Tools | HD software. These interface devices work as Core Audio devices that can be used with software other than Pro Tools | HD.

Multiple Titan and Atlas units fitted with MDIO-Dante modules will operate in sample sync when connected to a Dante system and synchronised correctly. Dante Virtual Soundcard or a Dante PCIe card both can be used as the host interface in system like this.

Can I connect multiple boxes to my PC?

Operating over USB under ASIO and WDM – No. The ASIO and WDM Audio drivers connect to the first box that the PC detects on the USB bus.

Multiple Titan and Atlas units can be connected to a Pro Tools | HDX card, Pro Tools | HD Native PCIe card or Pro Tools | HD Native Thunderbolt unit, and they will to operate in sample sync in Pro Tools | HD software. These interface devices come with ASIO drivers that can be used with software other than Pro Tools | HD.

Multiple Titan and Atlas units fitted with MDIO-Dante modules will operate in sample sync when connected to a Dante system and synchronised correctly. Dante Virtual Soundcard or a Dante PCIe card both can be used as the host interface in system like this.

How do I use ASIO drivers on Windows with Pro Tools?

Pro Tools requires that you use a power-of-two buffer size: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.

You need to set this buffer size in the USB Audio control app before you open Pro Tools.

Once you have done this, you should find that Pro Tools allows you to select Prism Sound USB Audio Class 2.0 as the audio device.