Callia Drivers and Firmware uploader for Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10 64-bit v1.05
1.03 firmware
There is a single update which fixes a noise which was heard when skipping between tracks on Linux based players.
1.04 PC firmware loader
No change
1.15 PC drivers
A fix to remove a delay which was causing lip-sync issues under WDM - i.e. watching Youtube on PC.
When playing through the WDM driver from Chrome (for instance from Youtube), a short 30ms spurt of audio may have been heard at the start of playback when jumping directly to new audio.
The drivers are now Microsoft-signed and will work on systems with Secure Boot enabled.
WDM will now work correctly on Windows 10 after a sample rate change has been pushed from ASIO.
WRT Sample rate switching .... Windows 8 has different and incorrect behaviour compared to Windows 7 and Windows 10 and will require a manual change in Sound Control Panel when the sample rate changes outside WDM. Opening the Control Panel / Sound / Playback Devices (also a right click on the speaker icon in the bottom right tray on the Start Bar) / Properties / Advanced and changing the "format" to the other option it offers (marked "Studio Quality") will resolve the mis-match. Windows 10 version 1511 (which is pre- the Anniversary update) has the same behaviour as Windows 8, but we suggest updating to the Anniversary update - Microsoft will apply this automatically in time if it hasn't already done so.