Mac, PC64 and PC32 Installers, plus Manual for Callia. Zip file.
The 1.05 Installer disk contains Mac & PC installers, firmware and User Manuals for Callia in a .ZIP file:-
1.03 firmware
There is a single update which fixes a noise which was heard when skipping between tracks on Linux based players.
1.04 Mac firmware downloader installer pkg
Updated to fix a problem where the app would not install to the correct location if the prior version had been deleted to Trash before installing.
1.12 Mac firmware uploader
No change
1.15 PC drivers
A fix to remove a delay which was causing lip-sync issues under WDM - i.e. watching Youtube on PC.
When playing through the WDM driver from Chrome (for instance from Youtube), a short 30ms spurt of audio may have been heard at the start of playback when jumping directly to new audio.
The drivers are now Microsoft-signed and will work on systems with Secure Boot enabled.
WDM will now work correctly on Windows 10 after a sample rate change has been pushed from ASIO.
WRT Sample rate switching .... Windows 8 has different and incorrect behaviour compared to Windows 7 and Windows 10 and will require a manual change in Sound Control Panel when the sample rate changes outside WDM. Opening the Control Panel / Sound / Playback Devices (also a right click on the speaker icon in the bottom right tray on the Start Bar) / Properties / Advanced and changing the "format" to the other option it offers (marked "Studio Quality") will resolve the mis-match. Windows 10 version 1511 (which is pre- the Anniversary update) has the same behaviour as Windows 8, but we suggest updating to the Anniversary update - Microsoft will apply this automatically in time if it hasn't already done so.