ADA-8XR FireWire module control panel for 64BIT Mac
ADA-8XR Firmware V2.08 (current version)
Zip file containing firmware revision 2.08 for ADA-8XR. This version introduces support for PTHDX modules.
NOTE: NOT for non-XR Versions.
Please see the ADA-8XR Operation Manual for instructions for upgrading firmware.
ADA-8XR Firewire module driver and control panel for Windows
ADA-8XR FireWire module PREV039/10 driver version 1.02 and control panel for PC. Please see the ADA-8XR Module Reference for installation instructions.
ADA-8XR FireWire module firmware loader and firmware for Mac
ADA-8XR FireWire module PREV039/10 firmware loader and firmware version 1.02 for Mac. Please see the ADA-8XR Module Reference for installation instructions.
ADA-8XR FireWire module firmware (Windows loader)
ADA-8XR FireWire module firmware V1.02 with loader for PC
ADA-8XR FireWire module control panel for 32BIT (Pre Catalina OS) Mac
ADA-8XR FireWire module PREV039/10 control panel V1.00 for Mac
ADA-8XR Firmware V2.07 (legacy version)
Zip file containing firmware revision 2.07 for ADA-8XR. This version does not support PTHDX modules.
NOTE: NOT for non-XR Versions.
Please see the ADA-8XR Operation Manual for instructions for upgrading firmware.